Healthcare Reimbursement

Our experienced legal team is at the forefront of an ever-changing healthcare reimbursement environment. Our highly respected attorneys take on difficult healthcare reimbursement law issues for medical providers, including hospitals, nursing homes, medical practices, and urgent care and outpatient centers.
We have a proven track record of aggressively recovering millions of dollars for clients seeking reimbursement for unpaid or underpaid medical claims. Anderson & Quinn provides a full range of legal representation in the areas of managed care litigation, arbitral/judicial litigation, administrative appeals and provider contract negotiations.
Our firm goes above and beyond the recovery of money to bring about meaningful change for our clients. We adhere to the highest ethical standards in pursuit of client concerns and take great pride in providing superior service.
Unique mix of litigators and attorneys
Integrating business, legal, regulatory and litigation experience, we focus on tackling today’s world of rising A/R balances and delinquencies. Anderson & Quinn represents providers in a manner founded on trust, commitment, respect and tangible results.
Experience where it counts most
Anderson & Quinn has established a solid reputation for representing healthcare entities in the recovery of denied, unpaid and underpaid claims from third-party payers. We investigate the facts, research the applicable law and zealously advocate reimbursement for our clients.
Anderson & Quinn provides outstanding legal representation across a range of practice areas, including healthcare appeals, healthcare legal actions, Medicaid eligibility, difficult patient discharges and healthcare provider contract negotiations. Our attorneys represent healthcare providers on matters ranging from internal appeals to administrative hearings to managed care litigation.
In this dynamic marketplace, targeted, efficient legal expertise is essential. Anderson & Quinn’s client-centered practice areas address the diverse and often complicated legal issues arising from this environment.
We have the experience and expertise to pinpoint clients’ most critical issues and apply proven strategies and solutions to achieve measurable results. We are committed to protecting the rights of our clients and getting the results they deserve.
Anderson & Quinn Healthcare Attorneys

Alice Kelley Scanlon
Managing Member

Robert P. Scanlon
Of Counsel